Our lessons are suitable for students of nearly any age. We are actually cooking, though, so younger students may need some help from a "sous chef" from time to time. In our experience, students 2nd grade and up have the attention and manual dexterity required to complete most lessons independently.

  • Fruity Flatbread - Scrumptious Berries & Orange Vanilla Mascarpone

  • Green bean Pesto Pasta

  • Summer Skillet Enchiladas

  • Sweet Treat Salsa

  • Nourishing Nachos

  • No-bake Granola Bars


Students have our undivided attention as we explore new or familiar foods in their raw, unmanipulated state. Then we’ll work together, virtually, (via Zoom), to slice, dice, peel, measure, and cook until we have each prepared the finished dish. 

Participants learn about food safety, basic hygiene, and the responsibilities that come with working in the kitchen – like careful use of equipment and clean up!  

We are on a mission to get young eaters cooking, tasting, and thinking about healthy ingredients! Let’s continue to redefine kid food; VIRTUALLY!


Recipes and lists are published 6 days prior to each class.

  • Schedule

  • Recipes

  • Shopping lists and equipment needs

  • Pre-class prep instructions (as necessary)

  • Zoom link